Terms of service.


Cancellation Policy

Payment in full is required within 7 days of booking to secure your reservation.

48 hours after booking - Full refund: get back 100% of what you paid

More than 3 months - Partial refund: Get back 50% of every night. No refund of the service fee.

Less than 3 months - No refund

In the event that you do need to cancel, we will always try & resell your dates so that we can offer a full refund, although we can’t always guarantee we can do this.

Right to Revoke or Refuse

My Vacay Stay reserve the right to revoke or refuse to honour any holiday accommodation booking, at any time before or during the holiday rental period, which may in their opinion (and at their sole discretion) be unsuitable for the property.

Cleaning & Linen

The guest will pay a cleaning fee in addition to the nightly tariff. This fee is for a standard clean. It is requested that the house, including the BBQ, is left in a clean and tidy condition. The clean will be carried out once the property has been vacated by a professional cleaning company.

Where the property requires additional cleaning, this will be charged to the guest directly.

Fresh linen is supplied to the house and paid for in full, this includes sheets, pillowcases, towels, bathroom mats/ hand towels and tea towels (it does not include beach towels).


We consider pets on a case by case basis. Here are the guidelines for bringing your furry friend on holiday.

  1. Pets are not allowed on any bed or couches or in carpeted bedrooms.

  2. Please clean up after your dog(s) ‘business’

  3. If your pet considerably damages the inside or outside of the property, you will help pay for repair and or extra cleaning if required.

  4. Please note the City of Busselton is now implementing a new pet policy as part of their holiday home management strategy. If a dog howls, barks or disturbs neighbours, they now have a hotline to call and report the dog to the local ranger who then attends the property and deals with the property. It is therefore important you manage your dog appropriately during your stay.

Noise & Neighbours

We want you to enjoy your stay but please be aware of the impact of your noise on others and keeping our neighbours happy is of paramount importance. Noise and music should not impact any other property and noise levels are to be respectful at all times. There is to be no outdoor music or outdoor entertaining after 9pm.

Outdoor Fires

Outdoor fires are only permitted at properties where a firepit is provided and only during the restricted burning period, in accordance with the specific Shire regulations. If an outdoor firepit is not provided, do not light an outdoor fire. It is your responsibility as the guest to check the Shire website for the Fire Ban Period (usually November to April) before you light any fire of any kind. This includes: Wood fuelled BBQs, Wood fired pizza ovens, Chimineas and Outdoor Firepits.

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